Sponsored by CAOA
The CAOA along with CDOT/Division of Aeronautics is pleased to bring the Colorado Airports and Colorado Airport Industry Professionals a chance to acquire critical training to enhance Airport Safety around Colorado.
Date: July 19, 20 & 21, 2022
Location: Colorado Springs Airport (COS)
Instructors: Sightline Inc.
Class Size: Maximum 45
Who can Attend and Costing: (In order of priority and sign-up date)
- 1st Priority – Employees of Colorado public-use Airports. Deadline for a Colorado Airport to hold a confirmed slot is June 5, 2022.
Cost: FREE - 2nd Priority – CAOA Corporate/Business Members,
Cost: FREE for paid CAOA Members - On a ‘space available’ basis, includes CAOA non-members, out of State Airports/Aviation Professionals.
Cost: $763.00/Student
Sign-up Today!
The deadline for Colorado Airports to hold a slot is June 5, 2022.
Send the following information to:
Ken Lawson, Business Mgr. CAOA, khlawson68@gmail.com or call 303.947.7815
As a backup email address use: coloradoairports@gmail.com
- Name of Airport, Primary Airport phone number, full address
- Student(s) full name, phone number (cell best), email address
Course information
Meals: CAOA will provide: 1) Morning and breaktime snacks and beverages, and 2) lunch and beverages will be provided on-site. Student responsible for their breakfast and dinner as needed
Lodging: Students responsible for all lodging.
Hotels available:
Close proximity to the Training Site
- Radisson Hotel Colorado Springs, 1645 N. Newport Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80916, 719.597.7000
- Hilton Garden Inn Colorado Springs Airport, 2035 Aerotech Dr., Colorado Springs, CO, 80916, 719.622.0300