2021 Presidents Message
Hello Colorado Airports,
As we come to the end of 2020, we can all look back on significant challenges especially related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its ongoing impacts. We also have seen increasing attention on issues like PFAS, airport noise control, and ATC Privatization. Despite the CARES Act funding, the airlines and many of our airport businesses continue to struggle.
With the rescheduling of our Spring Conference to 2021 (still in Telluride) and continuing restrictions from COVID-19 we have not had a chance to provide important updates on these and other issues, so in the place of our normal Winter Conference we are presenting a virtual version following the CDOT-CAB meeting on January 25th. In addition to important updates from the FAA, CDOT Aeronautics, CDPHE, and AOPA, we will provide an update on the valuable CAOA sponsored training opportunities that will be coming up later in 2021 and finalize our Board elections in June. As part of the elections process, we are seeking nominations to fill the position recently vacated by Zech Papp, Salida Airport Manager. We ask you to join us in thanking Zech for his service on the Board and to request your input to nominate his replacement.
Please submit your nominations or letters of interest to Ken Lawson at lawsonk50@wildblue.net . We will be sending out the web link for the virtual Membership Meeting (Winter Conference) along with a finalized agenda shortly and we look forward to seeing you all on January 25th.