AIRPORT ALERT! Environmental Meeting with CDPHE
Final permit issuance: COR900000 Industrial Stormwater General Permit Please join an informational session on May 22 to learn more about this permit. The Water Quality Control Division issued the final General Permit COR900000 for Stormwater Discharges Associated...
2023 Scholarships Announced
2023 Application and Guidelines The new details have been posted and students can begin applying today. Application deadline is July 31. More Information
Training: Airfield Electrical, Lighting & Signage
We are pleased to announce our latest training: Airfield Electrical, Lighting & Signage Location: Northern Colorado Regional Airport (Loveland/Ft. Collins Airport, FNL) Date: Tentatively, September 12-15, 2023 Spaces are limited. Reserve your spot today! Contact:...
Aviation Resources Update
We have just added the Winter Conference 2023 presentations to our resources page. For those of you that were with us, these are a great reference materials for what was covered. If you not in attendance, we hope you can make our Spring Conference and these shared...
Swift Airfield Conference and Trade Show
A team from DEN/DIA will be traveling to the SWIFT Conference, Winnipeg, in September 2023. DEN and few other major US airports are hoping that more US based airports including one's from Colorado will make the trek to Winnipeg and attend the SWIFT Conference. One of...
State House Liaison
In order to help guide CAOA decisions on airport, aviation, and transportation legislation, we have retained the services of Bowditch & Cassell Public Affairs. Please help us welcome Mr. Ed Bowditch & Ms. Jennifer Cassell to the CAOA team.
Congratulations! Scholarships Awarded
Thank you to everyone that applied. We'd like to congratulate Makayla Galler and Hafiza Muhammad for being our student winners of the 2022 CAOA Educational Scholarship Fund. We will announce 2023 fund details and application in the near future, so check back soon!
NASAO New Appointees
The CAOA wishes to congratulate Mr. Dave Ulane, Director of CDOT Division of Aeronautics in becoming the new Chair of NASAO. Additionally CAOA congratulates Mr. Shahn Sederberg CDOT Division of Aeronautics Communication & Multimedia Manager for receiving the NASAO...
Another Successful Training Event!
Another highly successful training event put on by The CAOA! Taught by Sightline , THE Airfield Markings Experts Our Airport host, Colorado Springs Airport (COS), Thank you Greg Phillips, COS Airport Director , for allowing CAOA to utilize the facility, for...